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Journal of Acuherb in Medicine

CAM Ear Points Flash Card

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CAM Ear Points





Pain and dysfunction in the fingers

Internal Tubercle – Urticaria/Allergy Pt.

Expels Wind, Stops Itch


Pain and dysfunction in the wrist


Pain and dysfunction in the elbow


Pain and dysfunction in the shoulder


Pain and dysfunction in the clavicular area; Peripheral arthritis of the shoulder; Takayashu’s Disease

Sacral Vertebrae

Pain and dysfunction in the sacrum; Strengthens the spine; Nourishes Marrow – supports immunity

Thoracic Vertebrae

Pain and dysfunction in the thoracic region; Strengthens the spine; Nourishes Marrow – supports immunity

Cervical Vertebrae

Pain and dysfunction in the cervical region; Strengthens the spine; Nourishes Marrow – supports immunity


Abdominal disorders; OBGYN disorders; Low Lumbar pain


Pain and dysfunction in the chest; Stuffiness in the chest


Pain and dysfunction in the neck; Strained/wry neck


Pain and dysfunction in the toe


Pain and dysfunction in the heel


Pain and dysfunction in the ankle; ankle sprain


Pain and dysfunction in the knee; Knee sprain/arthritis


Pain and dysfunction in the hip

End of the Inferior Anti-Helix Crus – Sympathetic

Nourishes the Yin/Yang; Anti-Spasmodic; Analgesic; Indications: Spontaneous sweating; Night sweats; Palpitations; Pain of the Internal Organs; Functional disorders of the ANS

Ischium - Sciatic Nerve



Pain and dysfunction in the buttocks

Anterior Tragic Notch – Eye 1

Clears the LV; Brightens Vision; Indications: Glaucoma; Pseudomyopia

Posterior Tragic Notch – Eye 2

Clears LV Fire; Brightens Vision; Indications: Eye Inflammation; Pseudomyopia (simulating myopia due to spasm of the ciliary muscle)

Inferior Tragic Notch – Elevating Blood Pressure Pt.

Reinforces Qi; Elevates Yang; Indication: Hypotension


Clears HT Fire; Indication: Glossitis


Pain and dysfunction in the jaw area – toothache, submandibular arthritis

Anterior Section 4 of the Ear Lobe – Neurasthenia

Improves communication between Water & Fire; Tranquilizes the HT; Calms the Mind; Indications: Toothache, Neurasthenia


Brightens Vision; Indications: Acute Conjunctivitis; Electric Opthalmia; Myopia

Internal Ear

Relieves Vertigo; Improves Hearing. Indications: Tinnitus; Impaired Hearing; Auditory Hearing


Relieves Throat Problems. Indications: Acute Tonsilitis

Helix 6

Clears Wind-Heat

Helix 5

Clears Wind-Heat

Shen Men

Sedation; Calms the Mind; Alleviates Pain; Clears Heat

Superior Triangle – Lowering Blood Pressure Pt.

Pacifies the LV; Dispels Wind. Indication: Hypertension

Triangular Depression – Tian Kui, Uterus, Seminal Palace

Supports Yang; Nourishes Essence; Balances Yin/Yang; Regulates Menses; Harmonizes Blood. Indications: Gynecological disorders; Impotence; Infertility


Clears HT Fire; Dispels Wind. Indications: HT Fire – Canker Sore; Facial Paralysis; Stomatitis


Regulates function of the Diaphragm; Harmonizes the ST. Indications: Dysphagia; Esophagitis

Cardiac Orifice

Hiatal Hernia; Esophageal Reflux. Indications: Appendicitis; Diarrhea


Harmonizes the ST; Replenishes the SP; Reinforces the Middle Jiao; Calms the Mind. Indications: Insomnia; Gastritis; Gastroduodenal Ulcers


Warms the Middle Jiao; Harmonizes the ST. Indications: Duodenal Ulcer; Pylorospasm

Small Intestine

Nourishes the HT; Produces Blood; Reinforces the SP; Harmonizes the Middle Jiao. Indications: Indigestion; Palpitations


Clears Lower Jiao Damp Heat. Indications: Appendicitis; Diarrhea

Large Intestine

Replenishes LU Qi; Clears the Lower Jiao. Indications: Diarrhea; Constipation

Angle of the Cymba Concha

Clears the Lower Jiao; Removes Obstruction from the Lower Jiao. Indications: Prostatitis

Urinary Bladder

Replenishes the Lower Jiao; Replenishes Lower Sap. Indications: Lumbar Pain; Sciatica; Cystitis; Enuresis; Retention of Urine


Stones/Colic Pain of the Ureter


Reinforces the KD; Promotes Hearing; Strengthens Bone; Nourishes Marrow. Indications: Nephritis; Lumbago; Tinnitus; Spermatorrhea; Impotence; Dipalcusis (difference in hearing between the 2 ears so that 1 sound is heard as 2).


Replenishes the GB; Tonifies the ST; Courses LV Qi & LV Wind. Indications: Migraines; Bile Duct disorders; Pancreatitis


Promotes Qi & Blood Circulation to Relax Muscles & Tendons; Clears the LV; Brightens Vision. Indications: LV Qi Stagnation; Eye Disorders; Lateral-Lower Abdominal disorders

Middle of the Cymba Concha – Periphery/Umbilicus

Regulates the Middle Jiao; Harmonizes the SP. Indications: Mumps; Biliary Ascariasis; Fever; Abdominal Distension; Impaired Hearing


Digests Food; Tonifies SP Qi; Produces Ying-Xue; Nourishes Muscles. Indications: Abdominal Distension; Stomatitis; Functional Uterine Bleeding


Promotes Qi & Blood Circulation; Promotes Urination (Diuresis); Nourishes Skin/Hair; Clears Heat. Indications: Cough, Asthma, Skin disorders; Voice Hoarseness; Anesthesia


Tranquilizes the HT; Eases the Mind; Regulates Ying-Xue; Alleviates Pain & Itch. Indications: Insomnia; Palpitations; Hysteria; Night Sweating; Angina Pectoris


Stops Cough; Dispels Phlegm. Indications: Cough; Asthma

San Jiao

Removes Obstruction from the Water Passages; Clears Heat; Stops Itch

Inter-Tragus – Endocrine

Courses LV Qi; Regulates Menses; Activates Blood Circulation; Expels Pathogenic Wind. Indications: Skin Disorders; Irregular Menses; Impotence; Climacteric Syndrome (Menopause)


Enuresis; Retention of Urine; Frequent/Painful UTI

Lower Portion of the Rectum

Tenesmus; Constipation; Anal Prolapse; External or Internal Hemorrhoid

Middle Ear – Diaphragm

Descends Rebellious ST Qi; Expels Wind; Regulates the function of the Diaphragm. Indications: Hiccups; Jaundice; GI and Skin Disorders

Superior Tragus – Ear

Nourishes KD Water; Subdues LV Yang. Indications: Ear Disorders; Dizziness/Vertigo

External Genitalia

Indications: Impotence; Inflammation of the External Genitalia; Eczema of the Perineum

Anterior Ear Apex – Hemorrhoidal Nucleus

Indications: Internal/External Hemorrhoids

Ear Apex

Clears Wind-Heat; Antispasmodic & Analgesic; Pacifies LV; Clears Vision. Indications: Fever, High Blood Pressure; Eye Inflammation

LV Yang

LV Qi Excess or LV Yang Preponderance. Indications: Migraines; High Blood Pressure

Helix 1

Clears Wind-Heat; Alleviates Pain; Pacifies LV; Removes Wind. Indications: Fever; Tonsillitis; High Blood Pressure; Wind-Bi Syndrome

Helix 2

Clears Wind-Heat; Alleviates Pain; Pacifies LV; Removes Wind. Indications: Fever; Tonsillitis; High Blood Pressure; Wind-Bi Syndrome

Helix 3

Clears Wind-Heat; Alleviates Pain; Pacifies LV; Removes Wind. Indications: Fever; Tonsillitis; High Blood Pressure; Wind-Bi Syndrome

Helix 4

Clears Wind-Heat; Alleviates Pain; Pacifies LV; Removes Wind. Indications: Fever; Tonsillitis; High Blood Pressure; Wind-Bi Syndrome

Supratragic Notch – Tragic Apex

Clears Heat; Alleviates Pain

Lower Tragic Apex – Adrenal

Clears Heat; Alleviates Pain; Antispasmodic; Expels Wind

Nose – External Nose

Removes Obstruction from the Meridians in the Nose Region. Indications: Brandy Nose; Nose Furuncles; Nose Problems


Clarifies Obstructions of the Pharynx and Larynx. Indications: Pharyngitis; Laryngitis; Tonsillitis

Internal Nose

Removes Nose Obstructions. Indications: Allergic Rhinitis; Nose disorders

Anti-Tragic Apex – Soothing Asthma or Parotid

Strengthens the LU; Stops Asthma; Clears Heat; Anti-Toxic; Antispasmodic; Expels Wind. Indications: Asthma; Bronchitis; Parotitis; Itchy Skin

Central Rim or Middle Border – Brain

Replenishes Brain; Eases the Mind. Indications: Oligophrenia (incomplete development of intelligence); Enuresis

Occiput – Tai Yang

Sedation & Analgesia; Eases the Mind; Removes Wind. Indications: Dizziness; Tai Yang Headache; Insomnia

Temporal – Shao Yang

Sedation & Analgesia. Indications: Shao Yang Headache

Forehead – Yang Ming

Sedation & Analgesia. Indications: Yang Ming Headache

Brain for Pain – Subcortex

Reinforces Marrow; Replenishes Brain; Alleviates Pain; Calms the Mind. Indications: Oligophrenia; Dream-Disturbed Sleep; KD Yin Xu Tinnitus

Upper Auricular Root – Middle Status Spinal Cord

Relieves Pain & Asthma. Indications: Headache; Abdominal Pain; Asthma

Groove of the Inferior Helix Crus – Groove for Lowering Blood Pressure

Pacifies LV; Descends LV Qi; Relieves Skin Disorders. Indications: High Blood Pressure, Skin Disorders

Root of the Auricular Vagus Nerve

Opens the Orifices; Relieves Pain; Eases Zang Fu Organs. Indications: Headache; Nasal Obstruction; Ascariasis of the Bile Duct

Lower Auricular Root – Spinal Cord

Relieves Pain & Asthma. Indications: Headache; Abdominal Pain; Asthma

Spleen (back)

Tonifies SP; Harmonizes the ST; Produces Ying-Xue; Nourishes Muscle. Indications: Abdominal Distension; Indigestion; Diarrea

Liver (back)

Removes LV Qi Excess; Harmonizes the ST; Nourishes Tendons; Activates Xue Circulation. Indications: Chest & Hypochondriac Distension/Fullness; Acute Appendicitis; Sore & Aching Lumbus

Heart (back)

Clears HT Fire; Tranquilizes the HT; Eases the Mind; Alleviates Pain. Indications: Furuncles (boils); Dream-Disturbed Sleep; High Blood Pressure; Headache

Lung (back)

Reinforces LU; Soothes Asthma; Clears Heat; Alleviates Skin/Hair Problems.

Kidney (back)

Nourish KD Water; Improve Hearing; Strengthen Bone; Fill Marrow. Indications: Headache; Insomnia; Dizziness/Vertigo; Irregular Menses