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Category Archives: Acupuncture


  1、任脉位于正前胸,心脏脾胃行不通; 上连乳腺下子宫,万一不通变老翁; 2、督脉立于脊椎中,监督气血来运行; 五脏六腑督脉宫,对应区域弯曲痛; 3、胆经裤线重叠行,分泌紊乱变神经; 嗜睡液汗疲倦态,腋窝肿胀后脑痛; 淋巴发炎局部胖,眼花目黄有增生; 4、肝经对应胆经行,循环分泌掌控中; 肤色发青腰疼痛,眼圈发黑有痛经; 眼球发干眼屎多,肝火旺盛有罪行; 5、肝经后面是肾经,距离不远两指空; 分泌系统掌控中,尿量稀少还尿频; 眼袋眼皱足下冷,下肢肿胀善惊恐; 经前腰酸背又痛,脸上出斑心发惊; 记忆下降无睡梦,症状不通慢慢通; 6、肾经对应膀胱经,泌尿骨骼掌控中; 小便发黄膀胱痛,尿路发炎讲卫生; 四肢无力后背痛,痔疮难坐肩颈痛; 7、胃经位于胆经前,三指距离到经中; 口腔糜乱牙肿痛,口干口臭腹胀痛; 体热打嗝喜食冷,大便干燥且不通;   8、胃经对应是脾经,免疫神经掌控中; 胃胀打嗝排气空,呕吐难耐肋下痛; 曲张平血低血压,风湿还有关节痛; 9、食指腋窝大肠经,手臂外侧属阳经; 消化神经掌控中,它要不痛腹胀痛; 便秘口干肩颈痛,体热痔疮加头痛; 10、胸到拇指为肺经,手臂内侧属阴经; 呼吸免疫掌控中,缺水敏感鼻不通; 体热出汗背有痘,干燥痰多下咽痛; 感冒发冷体内空; 11、心到小指为心经,手臂内侧属阴经; 循环系统掌控中,胸口沉闷与头痛; 心烦失眠也多梦,肩与前胸多疼痛; 目赤颧红口干燥,血液不良喜安静; 心事过多压力重; 12、小指肩窝小肠经,手臂外侧属阳经; 消化神经掌控中,太阳耳部会疼痛; 经前腹胀后脑痛,后背肩胛至背痛; 13、胸到中指心包经,手臂内侧属阴经; 分泌循环掌控中,循环差异血管病; 心跳过快还便秘,心烦目赤上肢痛; 14、无名至肩三焦经,手臂外侧属阳经; 分泌循环掌控中,免疫下降忧郁症; 疲倦易得慢性病! 附:完整十四经络子午流注图

Coding for Acupuncturists

Coding for Acupuncturists By Kenneth Y. Wang  The provision of acupuncture and oriental medicine within the third-party payer system of American healthcare necessitates the use of codes which designate what is being treated and what procedures are being utilized. The codes used that designate diagnoses are listed in the International classification of Disease, 9th Revision, […]


By Dr. Kenneth Y. Wang PhD, OMD, LAc. THE NATURE OF SCALP ACUPUNCTURE Scalp acupuncture is one of several specialized acupuncture techniques with a specific body location, taking its place alongside ear, nose, hand, foot, and wrist/ankle acupuncture.  The more general acupuncture therapy is often called body acupuncture.  Although the scalp has numerous traditionally-identified acupuncture points […]

The Treatment of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) with Traditional Chinese Medicine

Overview of Healthy Ovarian Physiology The ovaries are two organs on each side of the woman’s uterus which contain follicles, tiny fluid filled sacs (also called cysts), that hold the eggs. Each month approximately twenty eggs start to mature but usually only one egg fully matures; when the fully mature egg is ready, the follicle […]

Are there risks or side effects to acupuncture?

Are there risks or side effects to acupuncture? Usually not. Acupuncture is a very safe method of encouraging the body to promote natural healing and improve function. Done properly, acupuncture rarely causes serious side effects. Many people feel a brief stinging sensation, like a pinprick, during insertion of the needles. Others experience a dull ache […]

Combating Feelings of Holiday Stress, Anxiety and Depression with Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

While the holidays are depicted in movies as a time of idyllic serenity and joy, we have all felt the realities of holiday stress. Financial concerns, gift giving, busy schedules, family obligations, weight gain and lack of exercise all play into the holiday cheer.  These pressures can affect us physically, emotionally and spiritually often leading […]

Acupuncture for Weight Loss

How to Lose the Weight and Keep It Off with Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. Weight loss comes under the topic of “Weight Control”, because we are concerned with the loss and MAINTENANCE of loss of weight. This is a multi-faceted problem, and a good program involves diet, exercise and stress reduction techniques. Chinese acupressure and […]

Thyroid Treatment With TCM and Acupuncture

    The health of your thyroid gland truly makes or breaks your daily energy level, the ability to sustain a healthy weight for your frame, overall metabolic function, and can even affect your emotional life (if thyroid function is low, depression can result; if thyroid function is high, anxiety can result). Your thyroid is […]

Four Tiers of Asian Medicine

Food Therapy Herbal Therapy Exercise: Tai Chi & Qi Gong Acupuncture & Cupping I. FOOD THERAPY “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” – Hippocrates circa 431 B.C. Traditional Asian Medicine first employs food as a therapeutic tool. Why? Because we are very pre-occupied with food. Our stomachs will let us know […]

Acupuncture Treatment For Allergies in Acuherb Clinic

What Every Person Suffering From Allergies Ought To Know-About Acupuncture. There’s a Natural, Safe, Effective, and Drug FreeAlternative” by Dr. Kenneth Wang If seeing your first robin or watching the crocus beginning to surface makes you cringe, you are likely one of the millions of people that suffer from spring allergies in Davis every year. […]

Introduce traditional Chinese medicine

What is Traditional Chinese Medicine? Traditional Chinese medicine refers to health practices, approaches, knowledge and beliefs incorporating plant, animal and mineral based medicines, spiritual therapies, manual techniques and exercises, applied singularly or in combination to treat, diagnose and prevent illnesses or maintain well-being. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is an ancient medical system, which has existed […]

Infertility Treatment Philosophy

Cultivate the soil before planting the seed. While infertility may appear to be the core problem, it is actually the manifestation of a deeper underlying imbalance. Through our approach of creating a healthy and fertile body, we correct the imbalance and leave it to the body to do what it was created to do: live […]